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        發(fā)布人: 日期:2018-07-13 00:00瀏覽次數(shù):2733點贊次數(shù):0
        II. From the underline parts in each of the following sentences choose the one that is wrong. 
        1. John usually arrives  at the office at ten [a-z] [a-z]lock, but because the snow, he was
                             A                      B                                  #160;                    C 
        one hour late today.   
        2. She is taller  than  any girl  in the class.
                A     B     C        D
        3. If he took better care of the girl, she will not be  ill.
                        A                   B                                 C       D
        4. I do[a-z] [a-z] like  the way  what he treats his girl friend.
                  A                     B      C               D
        5. Not until quite recently  I knew  he was  a famous writer.
                                     A                    B      C              D
        6. He walked  like a panda, that  amused the crowd.
                            A      B                    C          D
        7. Ten divided  by  two  are five.
                           A       B   C   D
        8. Forgive me for  break  the window this morning.
             A                   B   C        D
        9. It is easily to work out a plan than to carry it out. 
           A    B       C               D
        10. The best work is not always done  by those who work the faster.
                A                                           #160;  B    C                                 D
        11. Jim asked  if we would attend  the meeting or not.
                          A   B       C                            D
        12. That big desk is  in the way. It must remove  at once.
                                      A     B                                C         D
        13. If you want to  speak English, you will practice  as much as you can.
                                    A          B                                  C          D
        14. Stop to talkI[a-z] [a-z]  time  to study.
                             A      B           C     D
        15. The field proved  to be dryeven though it had rained during the night.
                                 A        B                                C            D
        16. The weigh  of the elephant  is  about two tons.
                            A           B                 C      D
        17. Though  i[a-z] [a-z]  raining, but he goes out.
                        A      B    C                       D
        18. At my surprise, he died of  a disease I had never heard of.
                                  A            B               C           D
        19. The picture was painted  by an English artist by a very fine brush.
                                              A       B                                C    D
        20. I do[a-z] [a-z] like these  apples. They are getting  rotting.
                                          A      B                         C      D       
        21.   Finally they got  the result they have expected.
                      A               B   C                         D
        22.   In  what grounds  do you suspect him?
                 A      B                   C                 D
        23.   She went to bed until she finished  her homework  at night.
                                        A                        B         C                      D
        24.   I found  this  difficult to finish writing this novel in a month.
                       A      B                                    C                   D
        25. If John were  to resign and if Henry were elected to take his place, we should
                               A     B                                             C                                          D
        have had more vigorous leadership.
                 26. The children  were amazed  in  the magicia[a-z] [a-z] tricks.
                                     A           B                 C       D
        27. They rehearsed  for  three weeks  now.
                                  A      B      C                     D
        28. It is time  that  we follow  his order to make some change.
                         A      B                 C                   D
        29. She is taller  than  any of girl  in the class.
                               A     B     C                      D
        30. If he took better care of the girl, she will not be  ill.
                            A                     B                             C       D

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